Looking to hire a voice over?
If you're in need of a professional male voice over, then feel free to get in touch, but perhaps you have a few questions first. Here's some basic information you should know before hiring me, and some reasons I could be the right voice for you...
I want to discuss a project, but I don't know where to start? Well the best thing to do is to get in touch and let me know a few basic bits, such as length of script, genre of work and where it will be used or displayed in the end. Once I know that I can provide you with a custom demo, and we can discuss the recording process if you'd like to hire me.
I need a voiceover asap, is that possible? Of course, within reason I am able to deliver most jobs in 12-24 hours, if you need something even quicker then don't hesitate to get in touch and enquire.
Am I able to listen and direct while you record? Of course, I offer live directed sessions as part of my Studio Fees. We can connect via Source Connect, CleanFeed, Zoom, Teams or Google Meets. My studio features top of the range equipment and hardware, which can connect with any of your chosen platforms.
My client isn't entirely sure what they want? No problem, many of my clients often have an idea of what they want, but also want to keep things open for the editing process. In that case I can provide alternate takes and differing styles read.
Is there any way to hear a sample of the finished product? Yes, I offer custom demos to all potential clients, all you have to do is get in touch with a small portion of script, and some information about the style and tone, and I'll send back a sample from my professional broadcast quality home studio.
What if you're not the right voice for me? As much as I would love to be perfect for every voice role, thats just not the case - however I do have a strong network of professional voice overs who I would be happy to recommend.